150 Cantonment Road, Singapore 089762
Please take note of these terms and conditions for your stay with us.
What is the check-in time?
Check-in time is at 3pm. For early arrivals before 3pm, we recommend booking your room at least one day in advance.
What is the check-out time?
Check-out time is at 11am.
For late check-out (up till 6pm), there will be an additional charge of 50% of the room rate. Checking-out later than 6pm will incur an additional night charge, and this is subject to room availability.
All rooms and premises at Owen House by Hmlet are strictly non-smoking. Smokers will be charged a penalty of S$300 if caught.
Is smoking allowed?
What is the maximum number of occupants per room?
Unless otherwise stated, there is a strict limit of 2 persons per room.
Are there any other things to note?
This is a non-exhaustive list of general policies at Owen House by Hmlet. Should you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or (65) 8858 6202.
Whatsapp us: +65 8858 6202
* Owen House by Hmlet reserves the right to modify, alter or amend any of the above terms and conditions as and when it deems necessary without prior notice.